‘What a Wonderful World’: Join us for Jazz on the rocks

Gulabuddin Sukhanwar Summer is here; a season that we all have been waiting for; a time to refresh our senses and make new memories at the same time - the opportunity to explore the glorious beauty of our surroundings and nature. We are fortunate to live on this incredible planet, which offers life and all sort of beauty and whose blue color is an inspiring symbol of love, patience, and freedom. Summer is the time to get away from our official schedule and plan to spend time with friends and family, and most importantly, to have time for ourselves and enjoy life. Isn't it amazing to wake up in the mornings that your schedule shows a fun activity, such as travelling or meeting your loved ones, or going to a party? This part of the planet that we call home, Norway, is known for its long and beautiful winter with snow and cold weather. However, summer brings us immense evergreen nature, mountains fully covered by towering trees and all around is nothing other than beauty. ...